Lobe Chat

Lobe Chat

one-click deploy your private ChatGPT/Cluade/LLMs chatbot application

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šŸ¤Æ Lobe Chat - An open-source, modern-design ChatGPT/LLMs UI/Framework. Supports speech-synthesis, multi-modal, and extensible plugin system.

One-click FREE deployment of your private OpenAI ChatGPT/Claude/Gemini/Groq/Ollama chat application.

āœØ Features

1. Multi-Model Service Provider Support

In the continuous development of LobeChat, we deeply understand the importance of diversity in model service providers for meeting the needs of the community when providing AI conversation services. Therefore, we have expanded our support to multiple model service providers, rather than being limited to a single one, in order to offer users a more diverse and rich selection of conversations.

In this way, LobeChat can more flexibly adapt to the needs of different users, while also providing developers with a wider range of choices.

Supported Model Service Providers

We have implemented support for the following model service providers:

  • AWS Bedrock: Integrated with AWS Bedrock service, supporting models such as Claude / LLama2, providing powerful natural language processing capabilities. Learn more
  • Anthropic (Claude): Accessed Anthropic's Claude series models, including Claude 3 and Claude 2, with breakthroughs in multi-modal capabilities and extended context, setting a new industry benchmark. Learn more
  • Google AI (Gemini Pro, Gemini Vision): Access to Google's Gemini series models, including Gemini and Gemini Pro, to support advanced language understanding and generation. Learn more
  • ChatGLM: Added the ChatGLM series models from Zhipuai (GLM-4/GLM-4-vision/GLM-3-turbo), providing users with another efficient conversation model choice. Learn more
  • Moonshot AI (Dark Side of the Moon): Integrated with the Moonshot series models, an innovative AI startup from China, aiming to provide deeper conversation understanding. Learn more
  • Groq: Accessed Groq's AI models, efficiently processing message sequences and generating responses, capable of multi-turn dialogues and single-interaction tasks. Learn more
  • OpenRouter: Supports routing of models including Claude 3, Gemma, Mistral, Llama2 and Cohere, with intelligent routing optimization to improve usage efficiency, open and flexible. Learn more
  • 01.AI (Yi Model): Integrated the 01.AI models, with series of APIs featuring fast inference speed, which not only shortened the processing time, but also maintained excellent model performance. Learn more

2. Local Large Language Model (LLM) Support

[![][https://github.com/lobehub/lobe-chat/assets/28616219/ca9a21bc-ea6c-4c90-bf4a-fa53b4fb2b5c\]][ https://chat-docs.lobehub.com/en/usage/features/local-llm]

To meet the specific needs of users, LobeChat also supports the use of local models based on Ollama, allowing users to flexibly use their own or third-party models.

> TIP > > Learn more about šŸ“˜ Using Ollama in LobeChat by checking it out.

3. Model Visual Recognition

LobeChat now supports OpenAI's latest gpt-4-vision model with visual recognition capabilities, a multimodal intelligence that can perceive visuals. Users can easily upload or drag and drop images into the dialogue box, and the agent will be able to recognize the content of the images and engage in intelligent conversation based on this, creating smarter and more diversified chat scenarios.

This feature opens up new interactive methods, allowing communication to transcend text and include a wealth of visual elements. Whether it's sharing images in daily use or interpreting images within specific industries, the agent provides an outstanding conversational experience.

4. TTS & STT Voice Conversation

LobeChat supports Text-to-Speech (TTS) and Speech-to-Text (STT) technologies, enabling our application to convert text messages into clear voice outputs, allowing users to interact with our conversational agent as if they were talking to a real person. Users can choose from a variety of voices to pair with the agent.

Moreover, TTS offers an excellent solution for those who prefer auditory learning or desire to receive information while busy. In LobeChat, we have meticulously selected a range of high-quality voice options (OpenAI Audio, Microsoft Edge Speech) to meet the needs of users from different regions and cultural backgrounds. Users can choose the voice that suits their personal preferences or specific scenarios, resulting in a personalized communication experience.

5. Text to Image Generation

With support for the latest text-to-image generation technology, LobeChat now allows users to invoke image creation tools directly within conversations with the agent. By leveraging the capabilities of AI tools such as DALL-E 3, MidJourney, and Pollinations, the agents are now equipped to transform your ideas into images.

This enables a more private and immersive creative process, allowing for the seamless integration of visual storytelling into your personal dialogue with the agent.

6. Plugin System (Function Calling)

The plugin ecosystem of LobeChat is an important extension of its core functionality, greatly enhancing the practicality and flexibility of the LobeChat assistant.

By utilizing plugins, LobeChat assistants can obtain and process real-time information, such as searching for web information and providing users with instant and relevant news.

In addition, these plugins are not limited to news aggregation, but can also extend to other practical functions, such as quickly searching documents, generating images, obtaining data from various platforms like Bilibili, Steam, and interacting with various third-party services.

7. Agent Market (GPTs)

In LobeChat Agent Marketplace, creators can discover a vibrant and innovative community that brings together a multitude of well-designed agents, which not only play an important role in work scenarios but also offer great convenience in learning processes. Our marketplace is not just a showcase platform but also a collaborative space. Here, everyone can contribute their wisdom and share the agents they have developed.

8. Mobile Device Adaptation

We have carried out a series of optimization designs for mobile devices to enhance the user's mobile experience. Currently, we are iterating on the mobile user experience to achieve smoother and more intuitive interactions. If you have any suggestions or ideas, we welcome you to provide feedback through GitHub Issues or Pull Requests.

* What's more

Beside these features, LobeChat also have much better basic technique underground:

  • šŸ’Ø Quick Deployment: Using the Vercel platform or docker image, you can deploy with just one click and complete the process within 1 minute without any complex configuration.
  • šŸŒ Custom Domain: If users have their own domain, they can bind it to the platform for quick access to the dialogue agent from anywhere.
  • šŸ”’ Privacy Protection: All data is stored locally in the user's browser, ensuring user privacy.
  • šŸ’Ž Exquisite UI Design: With a carefully designed interface, it offers an elegant appearance and smooth interaction. It supports light and dark themes and is mobile-friendly. PWA support provides a more native-like experience.
  • šŸ—£ļø Smooth Conversation Experience: Fluid responses ensure a smooth conversation experience. It fully supports Markdown rendering, including code highlighting, LaTex formulas, Mermaid flowcharts, and more.

> āœØ more features will be added when LobeChat evolve.

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Created on Mar 27, 2024

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TypeScript, JavaScript, CSS, Dockerfile


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