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Gorilla Mux

Gorilla Mux

A Gorilla Mux Template to help you get up and running!

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Gorilla Mux Template

This template deploys a base ready-to-use Gorilla Mux app.


  • Two examples of custom middleware:

    • TrustProxy: Checks if the request IP matches one of the provided ranges/IPs, then inspects common reverse proxy headers and sets the corresponding, fields in the HTTP request struct for use by middleware or handlers that are next.

      Useful for trusting the X-Forwarded-For and X-Forwarded-Proto headers that Railway's proxy sets.

    • Logger: The Logger middleware gathers metrics from the upstream handlers (status code, duration, bytes written) and logs them to stdout.

  • Comes with some helpful internal packages:

    • logger: The internal logger package is centered around Go's slog package but has some pre-configured loggers for added ease of use.

    • router: This is where the Gorilla Mux router is initialized and global middlewares are registered like the TrustProxy and Loggermiddlewares. Along with registering some handlers and path prefixes.

    • responder: Comes with a few utility functions to send json (formatted and unformatted) or plaintext responses to the http client.

    • tools: Simple tools package, currently only has a EnvPortOr function that reads the PORT variable from the environment or falls back to the provided port.

    • server: This is where the http.Server settings are configured and the server is started from.

    • routes: Where all the handlers and paths live, this template comes with the following prefixes and handlers:

      /: Returns a greeting message.

      /health: Returns just a 200 status code.

      /api/: The api prefix, with a subrouter.

      /api/v1/: The v1 prefix with a subrouter, registered on the /api/ subrouter.

      /api/v1/temperature: Simple mock api endpoint.

      /api/v1/forecast/3day: Just another mock api endpoint, but with a path parameter.

How to use

  • Download the Go modules: go mod download

  • Start the server: go run main.go

  • Open the browser or any api test program to

  • Start coding!


  • The http server listens on port 3000 if no environment variable PORT is found, and once on Railway a PORT variable is automatically generated, and EnvPortOr will use that PORT instead of 3000.

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Created on Aug 17, 2023

15 total projects

4 active projects



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